in the news

Cerebra enjoys a lot of media coverage and our brilliant staff are often called upon to offer insight and analysis online, in the press, on radio and TV. If you missed an interview, presentation or article you'll find it here - feel free to share as you see fit!

5 things to remember when it comes to telling your brand’s story on social

Story telling narratives have been around for quite some time, but it is only recently that story telling has made its way into the spotlight of social media content strategy. Last year Coca-Cola revealed its roadmap to connect and stay relevant in popular culture via social media channels. Central to their approach, was dynamic story telling.

Story telling is the art of connecting the hearts and minds of your fans with a shared value and ideal that defines the sacred truth of why the brand exists, and who benefits from that existence. Story telling allows the customers to connect the outer value and reason the brand exists with inner values of the consumer.

Connecting, communicating, collaborating: We are Community

A South African strategic communications agency has launched a free –e-book that unpacks best practice in social media aimed at content and community managers.

Cerebra’s We Are Community, written by CEO Mike Stopforth, is based on real-life case studies and sound theory, and was developed out of the need for more businesses to become social businesses so as to enable them to compete within the social web space. It is aimed at “Any business, big or small, that is trying to make the most of the social media opportunity”.

How to Keep Your Resolution

2013 has many of us firmly in the grips of our resolutions to eat clean and keep healthy. Are you still sticking to your resolutions?

Lucky for us, there are some great technological innovations that can help smooth the resolution process. Below are some apps and websites that may assist you with your chosen mission.

Gym partner?

The biggest problem for many is finding the right gym partner. RunKeeper is a great app to get you started.

Interview on 'Kellman Live' on 2OVRadio

The battle for your brand - Your Business


Death in Social Media

A sadly sobering topic this month, but one that is raising its head more often as social networks mature and many of us encounter some aspect of death in the digital world.

Ten years back our online banking login was the one password that accessed our digital life. Fast forward to 2013 and I hazard a guess that the average person has at least 10 online logins.

A few months back a woman I used to do some work with, announced her imminent death on Facebook (she had fought cancer and knew that things had taken a turn for the worst). In the two weeks leading up to her death it was a terribly surreal and sad experience for those who had known her.

Pistorius saga also puts SA journalism in the dock

The world is focused on South Africa once more - this time because of our only global sports star's shooting of his model girlfriend. As people in SA and across the globe devour the news, perhaps this is a good time for us in the media to try a little introspection. By MANDY DE WAAL.

In a media climate saturated to fatigue with stories of corruption, government maladministration, rival union wars and striking miners, Reeva Steenkamp’s tragic death and Oscar Pistorius’ plummet from grace shook South African press into a high gear.

But as the Pistorius’ courtroom drama plays out to a global audience, it is not only the legendary ‘Blade Runner’ who is under examination; South African journalism is also under the spotlight.

Free Social Media 101 Seminar


Original post by GirlGuides here

Are unfollowing and defriending really the next big trends in social media?

I read an interesting quote recently:

“Defriend and unfollow is the next trend.” ~ David Shing, Digital Prophet, AOL

After reading this, I climbed onto Lord Google (but not in that prison movie kind of way) to verify whether someone wasn’t just pulling something — I mean how outlandish is that statement? The popular kids can get away with doing that, but surely there are not enough of them to classify the move as a trend – you need the rest of us mortals to start doing that too for a noticeable impact.

You Want My Business? Show Me the Love

Customer-centricity isn’t a nice to have – it’s a must have (and sadly ignored).

One thing that irks me no end is a marketer bandying buzzwords about for no other reason than trying to sound like the smartest person in the room. You have to appreciate the claptrap – making up new words will probably instill the ‘fear of not knowing’ in your audience and, if delivered with enough chutzpah, you may very well seem like the shining beacon that can help an organisation navigate the rocky shoals of customer acquisition.

However, this is not a post that begrudges these kind of marketing tactics, but one that aims to constructively criticise the bastardisation of some of these concepts in the hopes of getting things back on track.

Bastardised buzzwords