
Cerebra’s top social content tips and tricks

Here at Cerebra we have the pleasure of running the social platforms of some of South Africa’s most awesome brands. We also enjoy experimenting with our own social platforms, which means that we’ve learnt a lot about what content works and what doesn’t.

Whether you’re new to social media or looking to improve your brand’s content, here are a few of our top social content tips and tricks:

• Get the basics right – keep content short, simple and relevant. Good spelling and grammar are a must.

Client Custodians | Understanding ORM

Earlier in the year, we introduced you to the concept of Online Reputation Management [ORM], what it’s not and how we do it here at Cerebra. You also learnt that leading ORM tools now incorporate crowdsourcing in their study of brand sentiment; generating results far more relevant and accurate than the industry’s standard. ORM is certainly an ever-evolving concept and tool.

Should old school researchers be using new school techniques?

When I mention the word ‘research’ you would be forgiven for yawning, as yes, traditional research with qualitative and quantitative methods can be laborious and overly time consuming. While I am not trying to dispute the amazing insight and results that can be yielded through investing resources into research, I do wonder if traditional researches are capatilising on modern online research tools.

These new school techniques and methods that I am taking about refer to that of Online Reputation Management, or ORM as it is commonly known. ORM tools afford the user the ability to track online mentions of just about anything, including their brand, competitors, people and events.

How to use Social Media for your event

It’s no surprise that your event attendees are using social media for everything from complaining about the coffee, to sharing sound bites from their favourite speakers and everything in-between. So why aren’t you?

The conversation is happening so why not participate, engage, develop relationships, build communities and not only facilitate, but drive the discussion?

An Infographic a day keeps the headache at bay!

Infographics have been floating on the scene for some time now, and although they are on the brink of over-kill I thought I would enlighten those of you who have yet to experience the “Infographic-magic”.

I remember discovering my first one. I was hooked from the very first picture. Amidst the jargon of text and pop up ads that bombard my daily browsing was this brilliant infographic on the American electoral debate, of all things! To put it simply, an infographic is a visual representation of an idea, statistic, report or data. Topics can vary from politics and science to pop music and baking. Infographics are eye-catching and make lengthy reports and analysis easy to read and digest.

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